Since I started
Lugol's Iodine supplementation about 6 months ago, I have experienced a great improvement in many aspects of my health.
My thyroid levels always showed up normal on my blood tests at the MD, but I suffered constant fatigue and brain fog, and had difficulty losing and maintaining my weight. After some research on curezone, I found suspected I had type II hypothyroidism and began
Iodine supplementation.
I've reduced my ADD medication to one-fourth of my previous dose. I currently have about 5-6 times as much energy as I have ever had.
I also am sleeping far better than ever before and have seen a great improvement in my complexion.
My periods are fairly regular and 6 weeks apart.
My headaches are far less severe and frequent as I can tolerate more foods more easily.
Every time I take
Iodine orally in a glass of water, I feel an instant rush of clarity and energy. I know some people might not feel the effects as fast, but
Lugol's iodine truly is a wonder liquid that no household should ever go without.
If anyone would like to post what iodine has done for them or some one they know, go on ahead.