When I shower, it's just really BLACK WATER , it looks like I didn't wash for months. I cannot say what this is. I don't know, this is new to me. But it's strange because my skin doesn't smell, my clothes don't smell, but I SMELL!!!!!! I don't know from where it comes. For sure it comes from the pores of the skin or maybe from nose.. I can smell my BO only when I'm out . Strange. In home I can rarely smell it..
Yesterday I was rubbing alchool on my skin and the cotton was SO DIRTY!!!! Really I don't know. Then along whit this, I have BO, BB ( manage whit probiotics and fiber) , my urine smells too. I'm taking coconut oil since 2 weeks, and my urine stopped smelling, but now it starts again;.. I'm losing weight... it's very difficult to figure out what it is..