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How common is it to get "tomato skins" during a liver flush?
hoppimike Views: 6,508
Published: 13 y

How common is it to get "tomato skins" during a liver flush?

By tomato skins I of course mean... dead flukes!!

Because I get them and it's something I am trying to deal with, but I wanted to ask here as an opportunity to gauge how common these bugs are. Do people see them even if they haven't been parasite cleansing, or is it likely I only saw them as I was about 2 and a half weeks into a Humaworm cleanse?

I decided to ask this in this forum as opposed to the parasite one just because this might give me a better gauge of the fluke frequency in general flushes.

Thanks a lot - the results of this might prove interesting!

Hoppi ^^

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