Re: Borax question for GG
"thanks for pushing the borax here GG, I really had trouble imagining it being different then taking boron.....silly me."
pushing like a drug pusher because it works LOL
3mg of boron (probably made from borax) is like taking 60 mg of vit c, or 150 mcg of
Iodine ; the RDA is the minimum intake; that is the intake you need to not get deficiency symptoms. The optimal intake is a different story..
I have so few references to borax / boron; but if Olree "Minerals for the genetic code" is right, boron is a key mineral, also for bromine;
"Boron affiliates with the amino acid serine the way bromine does. Therfore, a suppressen boron level causes loss of control over serine. The loss of control over serine equals loss of BROMINE control. Parkinsons disease follows. It seems that if you allow the boron level to go low and the aluminium level to go up, bromine replacement is more than critical and almost impossible to restore."
Then you have the fluoride detox, and I use it as an eye wash when my kids have been in a chlorinated pool. It works well with iodine, but counteract fluoride, chlorine and balance bromine? All in the halogen group in the periodic system.
More from Olree;
" Boron is known as the calcium helper and for the metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Boron improves retention of both calcium and magnesium and elevates circulation of serum concentrations of testosterone.
Boron works in the body toward brain function, activates vitamin D (!), promotes electrical brain activity, enhances memory and promotes alertness.
Sign of possible deficiency include ADHD, osteoporosis, arthritis, fatigue, decreased motor function, decreased short term memory, decreased brain function, and increased loss of calcium and magnesium in the urine."
Olree also states "In the presence of aluminium, boron drops out"
If all this is right boron has a key function, and without it you may come short even with the best protocols.