Re: HIV/ lymphoma help needed fast!!
The site you refer to is my website, which is foremost of all an informational site. Sites throughout the internet which forbid spamming allow links to my site - including Yahoo Answers - because it is deemed to be primiarily an informational site and not a sales site. The majority of informational sites do support themselves with advertising. Including CureZone itself.
I could have provided links to the studies,case reports, articles and so forth outside my site, but I have them all consolidated in a single location. Though certainly the site contains links to supplements, books, and so forth which I am an affiliate of, many of the ads are simply for products I recommend and have no sales affiliate link for. Such as all of the Baselne Nutrition products for example. And I will point out that I have no affiliate sales link for the oleander based Sutherlandia OPC supplements.
The study in the post I made above was a double blind placebo controlled study of human participants, which you chose to ignore. Would you have us believe that all the studies you have posted were double blind placebo controlled studie? Yes, the studies listed in the link on the site to studies and case reports are of cells lines. I see you chose to disregard the case reports. Likewise you chose to disregard the numurous testimonials of the thousands of successful users. Who happened to be humans and not cells. It might also interest you to know that two patented oleander extracts are currently in FDA human trials.
BTW, for your edification - proper breathing can be instrumental in helping kill cancer and other illness. You claim to be the ace researcher - look it up. I hope you do a much better job than the research you provided when you attempted to prove that pancreatic cancer was a viral induced cancer. You listed three reports/studies. One involved TWO patients where pancratic cancer and a virus were found together and the other two links merely related viruses to increased incidences of pancreatic cancer. In no way did either of the links provide any evidence whatsoever that most pancreatic cancer was caused by viruses. And you would lecture me on research skills?
Observation: being blatantly sarcastic and pompous and attempting to put other posters down with denigration does not go far in winning debate points or endearing other members - nor does it serve the original poster or this forum or website.