Re: Question about refeeding juice...
Not everyone owns a juicer.I do but don't like it much real pain to clean.
I did 31 days on water, ok not pure fast like on this section but close enough for you question. Then switched to juice now. I diluted juice first day and stomach was fine, I even had some clamato juice as wanted some salt in my system and fast. I just bought store juices 100% expect for the clamato. Heck even spiced up my clamato like my normal caesars no vodka though.No problem with stomach.then for last few days just juice normal strength no problem.
Day 40 of fast will go to solid foods over week or so not going to sweat it too much just take my time and see how stomach does.Think everyone is different so hard to set really fast rules for refeeding. I will do solid fruit day or so then fruit and salad, then maybe some soup,more fruit and salad maybe a few nuts here and there then gradually on to more normal stuff, stir fries ,etc trying ot eat healthy and lighter for awhile but no big changes to vegetarianism or 100% raw planned.
I sure noticed huge jump in energy going back to juice . Fact was so hyper the first night back on it never got more than 3 hours sleep and next night wasn't much better.
All problems that was having on the
Water Fast near end were gone. No more dizzyness, lightheadness or fainting since gone to the juice.
But am planning to do water maybe over weekend and do it as the guys on here told me this time. Just water, no green tea caps, drink only when thirsty,no supplements.
I had some problems last fast and will make changes next water fast. And also unlikely to ever go past 20 or so on water again. Juice is much easier to actually still go on with your life while fasting. Water is much more suited to retreat type of thing where you just stay in the house,sleep,meditate that type of thing.
I really would be impressed by anyone that can work hard on a long pure water fast.