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Re: Hormones In Food: Should You Worry?
chirontherainbowbridge Views: 1,239
Published: 14 y
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Re: Hormones In Food: Should You Worry?

this bovine growth hormone is being pushed on young indian prostitutes: girls who've been sold into the business by their impoverished families. Why do they take it? Because it makes them very round and 'fat', even though they are not eating in a way to cause this kind of weight--men find it attractive. No customers, no work... But it has horrible side effects for them, and they age rapidly with the kind ofdiseases you might expect from a drug-enforced weight.

Look into it. I saw a documentary on it awhile back - I FORGET THE NAME.

Where do these drugs come form, that they can buy them by the pill form corner dukkas? America. It's a very wicked game: money, food and sex. The bottom line is, it doesn't matter what individual aspect we are looking at; it's all connected: we are all connected.


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