MMS for Dog w/ Lung Cancer
Hi -
Have an amazing dog diagnosed w/ metastatic lung. However primary site of cancer in body has not been established as all lab results (aspirations, tracheal wash etc) have been 'suspicious' but inconclusive. All tests for lung fungus diseases are negative and no detectable bacterial or viral infection is present. He was in the hospital on oxygen, prednisone, bronchodilators and, much to the absolute dismay of the vets, is doing well, off oxygen for past 14 hrs (w/ normal pulse ox), eating and drinking, and was able to get up, walk, and go outside to do business. He is coming home today w/ all the meds.
I have ordered
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and it SHOULD get here today. i have no experience w/
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement but have been reading online testimonials and Jim's site. Does anyone have experience w/ an
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (or other) cancer protocol for dogs that has been either helpful (decreased cancer and prolonged life) or entirely successful ??? What other things can I do...Indian herb, has anyone used this w/ success for cancer in dogs ???/ Other things ?
He is a MOST remarkable animal. Alert, aware, communicative, unbelievably communicative. I don't think he's 'done' w/ life and he's a strong, resilient guy.
Any help, comments, insight is extremely appreciated.