Re: Day 1 Vaxa Parasitin
I use both, but mostly bulk herbs in capsules. I buy cloves at Vitamin Cottage and then pack the capsules myself. For the
Wormwood and
Black-Walnut , I just buy capsules in bottles, about $10 each. I have tried the tinctures but don't know if it makes a difference and they are more expensive. You should notice lots of dead worms if you have them - I took a variety of laxatives (maybe not a popular concept on this forum) but my root problem was constipation from pain meds that I have been on for 4 years. This is what allowed thousands of
parasites to set up shop. No matter what, keep things MOVING. I took 2 caps of each clove/wormwood/black walnut two to three times per day. I took enzymes with each meal (acid rain to
parasites - they hate it!) I am treating myself for all types of
parasites because I don't know what I have.
Keep me posted on your progress.
do you use a tincture for the
Black-Walnut ,wormwood and cloves?? or do you take seperate capsules for each? I will start the albendazole treatment soon if this herbal supplement does help. I also mix a tincture of
Black-Walnut ,wormwood, and cloves but havent noticed anything in stool, but i think i have more of a invasive infection...