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Re: 3rd day water fasting

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Re: 3rd day water fasting

You are doing great!! Its the first two or three that are tough then hunger should be going to zero. Physical hunger will be zero.Mental hunger will linger for a long time but its easier to fight.

I see no big deal on weight loss fast from using things like green tea ,coffee, Sugar free gum, Sugar free diet drinks. Whatever gets you thru the night. You can always do a pure fast after awhile but think the green tea can really help energy and you will likely soon crash and your legs will feel like rubber it will be an effort to walk across the room but this will pass after a few days and think again green tea will help its also supposed to speed up weight loss.I would have more of it or take capsules and less of coffee or diet coke. Its not really the caffeine in the green tea but something else that is good.

I do exercise it should speed up weight loss but mostly just walking on my treadmill at 2.7 mph or so for about 30 to 40 minutes. Again at first this might seem to be 1000 miles but my energy is normal after not sure how many days but its been fine for quite awhile. I have felt lightheaded on water and faint but in my case upping fluids seems to have helped you will have to maybe see for yourself. Some on other forum or this one say to drink only when thirsty you can try that I didn't seem to have much luck when did . And being faint or actually fainting could be very dangerous wife on juice fast fell hit head and back and lucky to not be hurt seriously or dead. Cement is not soft!
She upped fluid and its seemed to have fixed her up.

I try to drink around 8 to 10 a day mostly around 8. Some say its bad for kidneys on fast to drink that but cant' see why it would be. I have had no apparent ill effects and use urine color as guide. dark is not enough and drink more until its clear or nearly clear and odorless.I do have gout and have to make sure my urine dont get too full of uric acid and would get gout attack. Not sure how fasting will affect my gout condition maybe it will help it don't know.Just know that I can't run too low on water or will likely get an attack and they are very painful or kidney stones also from gout.

If some of you want to only drink when thirsty you can let me know if you feel lightheaded or faint. now its pretty normal to be like this when standing up ,likely its from low blood pressure. Some say detox but I think blood pressure is more likley. You have just elminated all salt from you diet and salt raises blood pressure and you are dropping weight and all that will make blood pressure go down and you should stand up and sit up slowly .

That has been my main issues. No hunger after second or third day. But some lightheadedness and faint as said when cut down my fluid to drinking when thirsty based on advice on other fasting forum. Lack of energy at beginning of fast after first few days of maybe a fasting high. Return of energy after week or so and the use of green tea to help in that area but did start the green tea pretty much from day 1. Also had some leg cramping usually sign of low potassium and took some supplemental potassium every four days or so and no leg cramping since.Leg cramps can turn into heart attack if potassium gets too low. Not a good thing.

So carry on fellow fasters!

I also see that Shelton recommends to fast until real physical hunger comes back full force but this is pretty impractical for most of us.I could likely go 120 days at my body fat. You thin people might get the return of real hunger much much sooner so if do then that would be a good time to quit.

I am to tell the truth hoping to never have to do another 40 day fast if do another in month or so will likely do 21 to 30 day max. Past 21 it really starts to get boring.



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