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Re: Stomach acid deficiency Hi! I just learned this (again) and will keep up on it now!
aijian Views: 32,995
Published: 14 y
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Re: Stomach acid deficiency Hi! I just learned this (again) and will keep up on it now!


I agreen totally with you. I'll add one thing. We are able to reverse T-cells immune tolerance to fungus and reset lymphocyte B that are dealing with hypersensitivity reactions.

There are two things: fungus and yeast. Chronic fungal infection made us react badly to all kind of antigens including yeast antigens. The problem is not with yeast bypoducts. The problem is with fungus byproducts. Fungus candidatoxins makes us really sick and overreactive to our environment. This include to our own yeast cells that has not convert to fungal form.

To reverse T-cell tolerance to fungus we have to reduce fungus form to minimal amount with antifungals. It is the fungus form who mess with the lymphocyte B regulating hypersensitivity reactions. The fungal infection make us react to our own yeast cells.

Once fungus form is to minimal amount for several months your T-cell would be able to loose tolerance to fungus and start fight back fungus. Your immune system won't tolerate anymore fungus form. This will lead to disapearance of chronic fungus. Hypersensitivity reaction to yeast, fungus, mold, chemical and food will disappear following eradication of fungal form.

To use Crandall language: as long as the red form is present, you overeact to yeast (the white form) because the red form is the fungal form. To goal is to get rid of the fungal form. Many persons are dealing with chronic yeast (white form) without having hypersensitivities. Hyersensitivities arise at the very same moment that fungal form (red form) start colonize your gut and form mycelia. This fungal colonization happens usually after several yeast overgrowths that lead the body to develop a certain level of tolerance to yeast which allowed mycelias to grow inside the cells. Subsequently immune tolerance to fungus also appears.



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