Re: Loosie and Rainy..Re: Water and fasting
The problem here is that distilled water DOES NOT REMAIN distilled for very long. It very quickly absorbs salts and Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere and the surrounding environment.
For instance, if you went back a few hundred years and drank 'distilled water' from a clean pond, you'd actually be drinking water with trace salts, bio-materials, co2, and minerals in it.
If you drink water straight from your distiller (shortly after it has been distilled), it remains mostly distilled -- and distilled water is 'active', in that it rapidly absorbs whatever it can to become, ah, undistilled. Leave it for a few hours in the air, and it'll absorb a lot of co2 fro mthe environment, making it somewhat acid (not a big concern). Drinking distilled water DOES leach minerals from your body, but mostly salt and trace minerals.
Toting the benefits of distilled water over all other forms of water is silly, as is claiming it's particularly bad for you. A very good solution was posted above -- add some lemonjuice or flavouring to your water - you need barely a pinch for a glass.
[edit] A carbon filter is a very good alternative to a distiller, as it leaves water slightly alkaline, and removes all dangerous impurities. This has the same benefit as distilled water. Don't be fooled into thinking distilled water absorbs toxins in the body -- it certainly does, but also important minerals, and so quickly that the whole process is accomplished in the stomach, not in the blood or anywhere else in the body.