Thank you Chrisb1 for your reply. Sometimes I don't know what to think. The arguments for each side seem so good. I drank distilled water for years with no ill effects that I am can see. I bought most of it in plastic bottles from the grocery store. I tested it once with ph paper and it did test acidic so that made me wonder what it really was. Next, I bought the waterwise counter distiller, but I just did not have the time to make all the water. That did not work out for me due to my busy life. So, I decided to try a new thing after many years of drinking distilled water. I bought a Berkey Light several months ago and I can not feel any physical difference at all. I just got tired of hauling water and I am too busy to distill my own. The Berkey Light is so easy for me to use. The only problem is that it is filtered water and not distilled. I can not tell one bit of difference in my health, so, to use my experience as a test will not work out. Due to the ease of it, I am really hoping that someone can convince me that it is the healthiest water. So far I am not convinced, especially after your post Chrisb1. I thought my body would at least tell me what is best after several months, but I am getting no signs at all from my body. Thank you again for your response. Life will go on.