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Re: Day 4, weight loss slowing to a crawl
Fastingguy33 Views: 994
Published: 14 y
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Re: Day 4, weight loss slowing to a crawl

Aw, ok. I've been through this before, it's just so hard. Having it be so slow. I'm gonna incorporate some exercise tonight just to see what happens. I broke the fast again. I told my family I would today. I had a little pork roast and some toast, couldn't keep it though. When I weighed, I was .4 lbs lower, so I don't *think* it's my metabolism. This kinda thing just freaks me out.

I plan to resume and go until at least Friday or Saturday now.

You have done so amazing. My first goal is to get to your high weight of about 257. For my height, that sends me down to just Class I obesity, it's a major goal, and what I have my eye on right now.

Hopefully I get there by Friday. Then my next goal is 220, which breaks me from obese to "overweight" BMI. And "normal" to the average person looking. I've been this low before, my lowest was 237.

I'll drink more water, but it's turned off today for repairs, which is a tad frustrating to say the very least.


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