Re: Making money out of candida cure
You actually have it backwards. There is a cure, it's called detoxifying your body through raw organic
juicing and eating the highest quality raw produce after that. Parasites, candida, skin problems, all these diseases are all the same, just overall toxicity. Even the name "candida" is a buzzword used for profit.
So people don't push the cure, they just push the products they can make money off of and the sick people who don't want to face the truth just buy into it. That's how all marketing works. Notice it's the same companies changing their "cures" for candida as the new buzzword comes out so they can make more money. First it was oregano oil, then it was a combination of antifungal oils, then it was probiotics, and now it's digestive enzymes like serripeptase and nattokinase being labeled with catchy names like candigone or candida force. If any of these products truly worked, why would they need to release new ones?
All marketing works the same way, notice how coke and kit kats advertise as basically selling love. They show images of happy kids and families enjoying time together while eating and drinking these snacks that are absolutely horrible for you.
The fact that you're thinking about making money from the cure means you can't do it. If your first motivation is to make money, that means you are afraid of being poor, if that's your motivation you will be blind to the truth whenever money is involved and that will blind you from the cure. It's like when you're so afraid your wife is cheating on you, you go into denial. You can't see what's right in front of your face.