Re: infrared sauna and fatty liver
Hi Uranus,
please read the message for Deotima. I can't pinpoint the exact moment when my FM symptoms improved. It happened gradually, and all the things I mentioned to Deotima, I did them on a regular basis for 3 years now - and I have every intention to continue.
I truly belive Dr. Clark is right on the money when she recommends that the cleanses be done in the order she specifies. I do not think that flushing the liver alone will be the magic bullet. You need to clean the entire body. Some parts/organs need more attention than others (e.g. kidneys). The dental cleanup is the most expensive and painful of all, but probably the most important. I did feel something has shifted in my health once I completed it.
Changing the mindframe from negative to positive was the most difficult thing for me to do. You know what I mean, how can you think positively when you are in terrible pain, 25/7/365???? My acupuncturist told me it was important, though, and she taught me to focus on every tiny bit of improvement I could identify and be thankful and grateful for it, and understand that more and more will follow. She was right.
Don't expect instant results. My own experience taught me nothing happens overnight; I had a fatty, enlarged liver, and not until I eliminated enough stones that its size is now 1/3 of what it used to be (I can feel by touching it), have I felt dramatic improvement. But that was a 3 years journey. To maintain what I've accomplished, I will work on it for the rest of my life. So, there I go.
My allergies were the first area where I've seen improvement, that started to happen probably after 8-10 flushes. Then the pain subsided and finally, my energy levels are much improved - chronic fatigue has become occasional fatigue.
I suggest you continue with the flushes and if you have not done so already, seriously look into all other cleanses. Change your mind, too. Be positive and know that you WILL get better: it's only a matter of YOUR willpower and TIME.
Wishing you radiant health,