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Re: Time's running out!
spudlydoo Views: 5,204
Published: 14 y
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Re: Time's running out!

Something I've noticed in my own country, is that a lot of people want "low maintenance" gardens, and this means they pave most of their yards, and stick a few flax plants, succulents and non-flowering foliage plants. Basically they plant anything that will not require any looking after.

There is nothing for bees to eat, no flowers, no bees.

Pesticides are also another killer for our buzzy friends, as are herbicides.

Normally, at this time of year, bees are swarming, to find new homes, but this year I haven't seen a single swarm of honey bees, apart from our native bees.

I have a lot of bees in my garden, because I purposely plant lots of flowering trees, shrubs and flowers. This means the bees are happy, and my vege, and fruit trees get pollinated.

Its also important to supply water for bees in dry times.




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