Re: Time's running out!
I don't use any chemicals at all on my lawn or plants. When I have weeds that I'm trying to get rid of, I use BurnOut which consists of clove oil, vinegar and vegetable oil. My front yard is a mixture of moss, grass with lots of clover. Each spring, I count the honeybees I see in my large clover patch. At most, it's about 10 honeybees. The neighborhood I live in is 51 years old. We have 40 ft oak, hickory and sycamore trees. The back lots owned by the city is wooded. We have a hawk family that nests in one of the trees behind our backyard. We have moles, squirrels, chipmonks, blue birds, cardinals, mockingbirds, blue jays, finches, sparrows, blackbirds, and crows. We also have carpenter bees, bumble bees, ground bees (very similar to yellow jackets) and a couple of years ago we had a hornets nest in our attic (I had a bee guy take it out) A pretty healthy assortment of wildlife. So why so few honeybees? Some of my neighbors use chemicals to maintain a golf course style green lawn. Those pesticides and herbacides are not helping either.