I downed the whole thing! It has been a few hours and I feel no more tired than I already was, but kind of spacey here and there. A change in respiration came almost immediately, but seems to have passed somewhat. I have LOW blood pressure typically, so I will do as you suggest. This helps immensely to know what to expect. It was a stupid mistake, prompting me to pay closer attention in the future.
On a side note, I have gained much from your suggestions about other problems and will update soon about it. I read your forum daily as well as others of interest on CZ - for 5 years now - lurking in the back ground as I sometimes have done. Maybe the THYME big dose will kick the crap out of the never ending scalp thing - over 5 years now, started about the time Menopause happened - possibly hormonal??!! Lately I have been using thyme oil topically with carrier oil trying to solve the itchy crusty scalp that cracks and pops in my ears making me crazy because nothing works!
Thank you so much for responding Hv!!!!!!