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Day 2 post-cleanse

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Roooth Views: 2,634
Published: 14 y

Day 2 post-cleanse

So I'm on my second day on juices and I've been reading a lot of Dr. Schulze 's stuff lately, along with some recent forays into Gerson videos. Anyway, I've read enough on the water support forum to think that Water Fasting is the ultimate in cleansing, and I do believe strongly in fasting, including water fasting. I've also read of juice fasting, green smoothies, etc.

Well usually I don't stay on juices long after the MC... I go to fruit pretty quickly. This time I wanted to stay on juice for a while and I'm drinking 4x doses of my superfood drink. Part of the thing with juice fasting is that your body can rebuild with nutrition while giving the body a break. I'm seeing great results just in the last 2 days and it makes me want to extend the fast even more. My hands have been giving me trouble - they are so dry that even though I'm only 35 they look like crackly, flaky panko crust or something and the knuckles crack and bleed regularly. My knuckles have always had this problem but the last 2 years my hands in the winder look like a 60 year old's hands because they get so dry. They improve in good weather quickly.

Well it is still winter but I'm drinking juices and superfood and today I got some carrot juice to mix with apple - that's supposed to be a great nutritious combo but I have to get used to it. Carrot juice is wierd. Anyway, my hands feel so incredible and not papery and even my knuckles are healing! I'm very motivated to keep on juices longer to rebuild nutrition until my hands are great and I'm going to keep with the superfood doses. I'm so pleased! I hate looking down and seeing granny hands.

I thought I'd share and perhaps others may be inspired to lengthen the juice fast when they're done with Master-Cleanse or try juice fasting separately. I realize how easy it is for many to drop their eating habits when temptation comes but juice fasting gives you a chance to replenish nutrition that's sorely needed if your eating goals don't go perfectly. You need to rebuild.

Anyway, did I mention my hands feel great?!! :-D


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