Re: Ok on water fast and want to hear from people that have fasted and kept the weight off post fast and exactly what they did ,exercise,did they change to low carb, intermittent fasting,etc.I really can't afford to gain this weight back!
Hi ALB, I kept weight off simply by doing intermittant fasting -only eating for 5 hour time period -usually 3 to 8pm. So I eat whatever I feel like eating (even ice-cream, spaghetti, and sometimes high caloric foods), but usually I try to keep my intake to no more than 1500 calories. Some days are as much as 2200 calories. Basically, I can easily fast during the day (I only get hungry later). And there is only so much you can eat in a limited number of hours. I read about intermittant fasting from a library book, "The Warrior Diet".
I am currently doing a water only fast. Like my fast from last year, I am drinking tap water and have no ill effects. In fact, tap water is regulated and the bottled water is basically tap water too (only in a bottle). Global news (in Canada) even has a commercial stating that there is no need to drink bottled water when tap water is perfectly safe to drink.
Since losing 30 pounds, it really makes all the difference in how you feel. For instance at my heavier weight, I had trouble breathing going up a flight of stairs -I live on second floor. And this has really motivated me to lose more weight and do another fast. I hope to do a long one (40 to 50 days) and not just for weight loss, but for all the health benefits and rejuvenation, cut down cholesterol, etc. A real bonus to fasting (and even in intermittant fasting) with less food seems to be more energy and more motivation to do things (like housecleaning and doing things that you procrastinated about before). So I highly recommend intermittant fasting to keep weight down (which I will be doing after this fast and basically as a new lifetime eating program). And I recently checked my blood pressure at the pharmacy and it is in the optimal range. See if you can find a copy of "Warrior Diet" book or look up intermittant fasting (google) for more details -but that is really what it entails -eating for 4 or 5 hour period of day and the other 19/20 hours with water only (although I think you might be allowed fruit and vegetables too). Feel free to email me or leave message on this board if you (or anyone has more questions about this). And good luck to you in fasting. It's the best, and easiest way to lose weight. I like results fast and this is the only way (and healthiest way).