Re: Is this Candida? Fungal balls? What???? I have removed about 300 of these damn things...they are about the size of a garbonzo bean, some smaller about the size of a pea...but i am still removing them. I have tried everything on earth, yet still sick and still removing them...
The first time I noticed any it was from my bowels after drinking cinnamon, honey,
Sea Salt and something else i cannot remember...horrible pain in my lower abdomen, I wish I had the pictures. This was 2007. The thing was even larger perfectly round and bright green and perfectly cylindrical.
After that I went on a
Sea Salt and vitamin C cleanse and noticed more. This past year I was using Kristian Amelong's enema cleanse routine, with peppermint oil, rosemary, goat milk soap ect....which was when I cleared out about 300 or so...I have used Olive leaf extract,
Oxypowder cleanses, fasts, Arise and Shine cleanses...I have been sick for almost 8 years, extreme fatigue...all the usual candida symptoms, plus hormonal imbalances I am sure. I have tried iodine, three lac, not eating the wrong food, not eating any food ie..fasting, juice fast make me sicker, I got pnuemonia and had to stop...not sure if I was so toxic it was the fast or I just got pnuemonia...
Any help is much appreciated :)