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Re: microscope your own parasite
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Published: 14 y
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Re: microscope your own parasite

Yep. I do this all the time as an independent researcher for years, with many people. It really isn't that easy, you need years of experience in order to become familiar with all the background stuff. Some parasites are very small, and need special staining. As for helminths, you need to separate the poo in a way so that you don't spend all day trying to do a thorough examination. You need special equipment, processes, knowledge and experience with ova morphology. Plus, there are intermediate stages which need to be recognized. Example:things such as cercaria [fluke] and miracidium [fluke and others].
I don't wish to discourage anyone, but it is a lot of work.

I understand and sympathize with most people who have no luck with labs; it is because of the lack of time doing analysis and mechanized practices. If enough people freak out at their doctors, it will eventually place pressure on the labs to do more.

They are getting away with not reporting. Reporting opens the door to liability, whereas undetermined results are safe, and they get paid anyway.
Keeping educated on the subject of parasites is good, but the most complicated of all clinically minor health problems to address.


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