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Re: Day Zero
serenity now Views: 919
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Re: Day Zero

Hey Dearskyy,

I understand where you're at. You're posting, hoping to find additional support. For some, declaring lofty intentions is motivating. For others, it sets them up for failure.

I did two fasts before the one I'm on--one for seven days, and the other for ten. A year or so after the ten day fast, I tried another, but I hadn't fully counted the cost, or I wasn't mentally prepared--I didn't make it past the second day.

I'm with WY, set these lofty goals if you need to--whatever motivates you--but then focus on getting through the first few days. In my case, I created a check list, and marked off my survival, hour by hour. LOL! I don't need to do that anymore. The hours pass by effortlessly now.

Also, there's another motivation that might truly inspire you, that is after the first three days of torture, and that's the rapid weight loss. You'll love it! The pounds will virtually melt off. (Be aware of the refeeding, however, that comes after the fast)

But here's another thought. If it seems that Water Fasting is too tricky for you, consider the Master Cleanse. There's some great support over there. And the results rival the water fast.

Take care. Best wishes



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