13 y
Pink eye, red eye, not going away
I woke up with a red eye and 1/2 open, so I put some
Colloidal Silver in it and went back to sleep, after a few hours when I woke up, still the same, so I put more
Colloidal Silver in it (every hour) during the day (the nano particle kind) and I got some homeopathic drops from the drug store for pink eye, after 1 week, still the same.
So I figured I better go to the doctor, so I got some drops, Maxitrol, been using it 4 days and still not fixed. It does look a little better, not much but it is more pink than red and a little less than before.
So now I wonder, the doctor says after one week of using those drops it should be gone, but I'm worried that maybe it won't be gone.
I'm thinking about going to one of those chinese herb shops and getting some of those and making that thick black tea and hoping they know what to do.
But do you have anything to say? some people say it takes 3 weeks to go away, but how come some people say after 2 days of the doctors drops it was gone for them.
I don't know what is going on. I don't like doctors, I want this healed.
Do you know of any homeopathic pellets that I could take to help this. My vision is a little blurry from these drops.