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Re: Meridian Stress Assesment
JWangSDC Views: 2,029
Published: 14 y
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Re: Meridian Stress Assesment

I am about 90% cured of my candida symptoms, I can eat as much fruit as I like without any problem. I am still not totally healthy though and I expect it to take another 60-70 days. I also have not taken a single non whole food supplement in 102 days. As I get healthier and healthier I realize what true health is.

You are looking for someone to tell you are sick. Your metametrix test came back negative for yeast and you were happy. You have no markers and that makes you happy, but it's very obvious to me you are still suffering and are sick. And you have this false hope that once they identify what is wrong with you, they can cure it. Modern medicine has never cured anything. Does Acne get cured? Does cancer get cured? No you just get another batch of drugs that cause a world of different problems.

Why do you keep going to these supposed "experts" and giving them your money. They are just liars, thieves or blind. Anything Dr Crandell can't fit into her little world view of, "of candida causes everyone's problems and it is under emphasized in the medical world" she just jams in anyway. It's very obvious to me that she doesnt know what to do for you, but she just gives you some BS that makes her world work again. She's not lying to you, she's lying to herself. She doesn't have the answers and she can't admit it to herself because she feels she's so much beyond normal MDs in this aspect that she has to be correct.

The reason you feel my pushy tone is because it upsets me when you waste your money on these doctors and even the meridian testing. If this person were truly an expert, they would not have raised your hopes so much. Meridian blockages are a very simple thing, in fact acupuncture and massage will clear these things better than the machine you are going to use. If it were free,I would use it, but if I'm paying I wouldn't. The indigo is a different story and it would depend on how much money I have available. Also, you'll go there and think you've found some piece of the cure and be happy and come on here and post and that will lead other people to line your doctors pockets. But months later, you'l realize it was just that HOPE that made you feel better and you are not cured. Isn't that what ahppened with the metametrix tests? Isn't that what happened with Dr Crandell? These people are just selling you false hope at an extraordianry price.

But instead of buying high quality produce from the people who grow it, you are spending thousands of dollars feeding the industry that is killing you. You are lining dr crandell's pockets while she has done nothing but take your money, give you false hope, and temporarily slow your problem but if you keep on her path it will get even worse. And you also advertise for her here on curezone by using her name, people who get sick will be afraid and think "Dr" crandell "yeast specialist" let me go to her. It's all a business model. The same with the meridian testing doctor. If he was really so good, he would have been more honest. But no, he is doing it for money.

As I get healthier I understand more and more about health and I will share it, it's clear to me you're not buying what I'm saying but i'd rather sow the seeds now so it'll be easier later. My only advice which you can follow on any diet, and any doctors plan is go out and buy the best fresh organic vegetables you can find and make yourself salads then. IF you're willing to juice in the morning that's even better. Also think about this, the only thing i gain from this is you getting healthier. What does dr Crandell gain from the advice she's been giving you? What do the other doctors gain? I'm not saying they are even knowingly deceiving you, but think about what Dr Crandell HAS to believe. She has spent her entire life researching this subject and feels the whole medical community has shunned and avoided the topic. She cannot be clearminded about it because she is too close to it. Her work is her baby. You can't tell a mother that their child is an immature brat or really ugly, no mother is going to be able to hear it.


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