Re: 1st birds, now fish?
In a Natural disaster that would strike the entire earth...all governments would crumble and dissapear over night, including every gijoe getting a paycheck to kill anyone daddy pope wanted dead. In that case, if you are left alive, your on your own...start walking to the equator.
In case of war, that is always man created and eveil people will hunt you down. You will need to play nice and "befriend" those that can play the government game the best, so you can live to play another day.
You can't fight government anymore, they have organized world wide, they have conquered earth ever since the plane was invented and frequences learned....all signs of the end times...the largest sign of all, as pretold by William Branham is when humans "ORGANIZE" they always leave GOD out and choose evil.
No one has lived outside of war for well past 2,000 years and probably much longer back than that. There seems to always be evil wanting what others have, in the case of America, the christains leaving their king/queens/popes behind, left to slaughter brown people same as they slaughter rabbits, same as they did/do in most any country on earth. No white christain army has ever seen a non white person as having any value. They have mastered slavery in every country, put every race in their place and control all via the un/ is as simple as finding evil people of every race and train them in a college to take government job, then they become the slave task masters of their own race, willing to slaughter their own race in exchange for a little mason $$$/power over their brothers and one ever said the pope was not a smart man, after all, he and his kind are the farmers of this world.......they have the power to kill you all, anytime they please.
If your country becomes old, ran down such as the usa has became after 200 years of war, the owners will rip down the old and rebuild brand new anywhere in this world and their thinking is just kill off the stock, rebuild the barns and then restock the farm.
All farmers only exist, because they have blinded the stock into thinking they have no power, no value and most of all, can't feed or water them the stock obeys the farmer till death, never knowing they always had all the power and the farmers are the minority.
Who are the stock? Those that only eat because wal-mart exist and the creators of the thousands of wal-marts and her hundreds of thousands of sister companies were created by a handful of government men when they realized total god like power comes when "you" own all the food and water. Government = lieing...they have from day 1 lied to everyone and are trained to lie......while building their current empire, they took any common person to their courts that tried to grow large...stating they broke MONOPLY LAWS and stole the privates person's wealth, while all along, they the government, was building the ULTIMATE MONOPLY, enslaving the chinese and controlling all the stores world wide. All corporations are government, they are forced to ad every chemical mandated by government to control the slaves, their stock. Those accepting welfare in any way shape or manner have slipped into the government traps and each kid growing up in that situation learns to stick his hand out like a beggar on the street corner. These beggars are given "FREE" schooling, free housing, free food and water...never knowing they are being "TRAINED" by the farmer..and will never realize what they have became. They will set on juror seats and agree with the prosecutor to KILL or imprission who ever the government that feeds them, says to.
EVIL is the WIDE ROAD, the good road has always been narrow and very few choose it..........that has been the Monks Message about government since government was created. For past 10 years now, a few old rich people have told me they were approached by their "organizations" and told to send their wealth back to England, where it will be converted to coinage and kept for their families. Once america is destroyed, this coinage will be converted into the new one world order money system and these same families that "obeyed" their masters, will once again be the owners over the slaves.
Luckily this has not happened, but has happened in many countries before...Iraq being the current example.
As the world becomes more polluted, more evil, those as leaders will act more like mad hatters, willing to do things that make zero sense...this has been seen by many ceo / owners of the world largest corporations / presidents / leaders of all kinds as they have chosen evil over light in order to climb thei corporate ladder. This is why the same monks said it is nearly impossible for the rich man to enter heaven, their money on earth is their chosen gods.