Re: 1st birds, now fish?
Hollywood has made probably 100+ movies on disasters where he with the gun, survives to walk another currently on tv is ELI, which is pretty wild version of after war when only a few pre-war humans are left alive and the BIBLE is the rarest book.
I doubt you would have to worry about it, the armed forces from every country on earth (un) would take your guns and ammo day 1 out of your cold dead hands. UNLESS you knew how to hide very well and since they can watch you from space and detect underground bunkers, etc.....there is no where to hide except in plain open sight.
Wow.......seems war is a "tuning" point, purification of the soul to see what you will do when your back is up against the wall.............will we trust GOD or trust our GUN............................
If you rust GOD, I assume you will walk with nothing but the cloths on your back and not worry about anything...
On the other hand, I have seen many asian women enter the USA from Vietnaum and Korea that married white or black men and have stock PILES of ammo and food setting for the past 30 years, because they seen their parents slaughtered and they made it out alive and swore they would kill any human that tried to harm them....IN THE USA, there is a HUGE ARMORMENT, mostly from x-soldiers that hated their government and once home, started collecting all the guns and amo they could afford.
Naturally the UN would like to take all that armorment one day and amazing that they have not as of yet......they know americans date back to Indian Fighters and will put up a decent fight in a conventional man to man combat....and since the wars removed many of the strong men, who knows how well their kids will fight.....
I personally believe the dark age war over the new testament bible the pope started 2,000 years ago is went world wide and never stopped and billions have been murdered since the original 70 million when it was declared.
WAR is the ONLY THING this world knows in the past 2,000 years, this is why it has been called the end times.
We that are alive, have adapted and do pretty much what we are told to avoid their jails.