Re: Need advice on OO, drinking it soon.
I don't know which flush protocol you're following, but 4 TABLESPOONS of ES would probably turn my intestines inside out.
The most I've ever taken was 2 Tablespoons, and I will never take that much at once, ever again (unless it will stop my death! lol)
4 TEASPOONS at a time, is more than enough to relax the biliary network of the average person.
My thoughts on olive oil quantity? If you're used to consuming 1/2 cup of olive oil per day, and that question/concern has come to your mind...then I would definitely listen. It only seems logical...and there's virtually no harm that can come from doubling the dosage - it's done all the time. In Schulzes writings, when treating people personally, he often had them do more major flushes. And those were 1 cup of olive olive well blended with 1 cup of citrus juice (total of 16 ounces...take 4
ounces every hour.
So feel free to listen to your own 'doctor within' and adjust the guidelines for what resonates for you. Guidelines is all they are...a framework for helping us to know where to start :)