Re: Have you looked into parasites?
You can try a diagnos-lab test for parasites. If negative, I am pretty sure Leo galland would ruled out parasites. He won't treat
parasites that doesn't show up on a diagnos-lab test.
Heavy metals and toxicity overload are more of a concern. Your food hypersensitivities and chronic fungal problem might be due to your total toxic overload. It is very typical of very toxic people according to Rogers, Crook and Trowbridge.
Your positive respond to antifungal treatments indicates low chronic fungal infection due to an impaired immune system. This low immune system with a long standing chronic candidiasis may lead to all sorts of hpersensitivity reactions to food and chemicals that remains for a certain time even if all other problems are going better.
What you need first is to reduce your total load with detoxification.
I would suggest also you must continue to manage your yeast issues.
You need also to get treated for your environmental hypersensitivities. Find an environmental allergist that does classic allergy shots, neutralization and EPD.
If you don't have strong evidences that your hypersentivities and fungal problem are due to parasites, viral or bacterial problem, I would then consider total toxic overload as a main culprit.