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Re: Astrology
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Re: Astrology

I wouldn’t expect to find more than a little entertainment from Sun-Sign astrology - the one commonly found in newspaper columns, phone-lines, tv shows and all over the Internet.

“The first article on astrology in the popular press appeared on 24 August 1930, in the Sunday Express. The editor had invited the astrologer RH Naylor, the assistant to the more famous Cheiro, who was unavailable, to cast the horoscope of the newly born Princess Margaret Rose. […] It was Naylor who invented the Sun-sign column. He had to find a way of writing so that each reader could feel involved, and chose to divide his essays into 12 paragraphs, one for each person born when the Sun was passing through a particular sign. This is not an important part of astrological forecasting, but is recognizable by every reader, because it depends on the day, rather than the precise time, of birth. This made Sun-signs perfectly suited to popularization and, by the 1950s, most columns used them. Many astrologers think that concentration on this aspect of a birth-chart has done untold damage to serious astrology.”

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