I personally do not follow astrology. I now there are a lot of unusual things in this world that we cannot explain and this may be one. But at the same time people tend to hear what they want as part of their belief system. I see this on a daily basis as I also post on other forums. Often what happens though is I will post a response, which often gets ignored, as well as other people. But the original poster will ignore the posts that do not fit what they want to hear and thank the one person who confirmed their belief. To a large extent astrology is not any different. People latch on to what they read or hear that fits their view. Let's say the person's horoscope says they will have a surprise at work that day. Well that is pretty vague, so the person expecting that surprise will find something in their day that surprised them that day, even though this may happen every day. Or let's say that a horoscope profile says that Capricorns favorite color is blue, their favorite food is lobster, etc. People by nature will latch on to what they hear that is true to them while dismissing anything that does not fit their view. This is the entire basis for the newspaper horoscopes and similar media. The horoscope can be 99% wrong but people will still latch on to the accurate 1% and say " wow, they can really read me". Again a lot of astrology plays on simple human nature.