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to slider
lisag Views: 2,222
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 174,604

to slider

hi slider, i know this has been mentioned before in some of your notes ... is your health having positive improvement with that flushing schedule?

this is how i calculate (guestimate) it - eg...

if a 50 year old has 10,000 stones = 200 stones were made per year

if a 30 year old has 6,000 stones = 200 stones were made per year

if a 30 year old has 8,000 stones = 266 stones were made per year

if a 60 year old has 5,000 stones = 83 stones were made per year

the worst case here makes 266 stones a year, which is clearable with flushing 2 or 3 times a year... and of course, if someone were actually paying enough attention to their health to want to flush, they've probably improved their diet to where they're no longer making as many stones. so... my guess is that flushing too often will make a liver unhappy and tired, causing it to react abnormally to normal bodily substances... which is one reason why the liver makes stones in the first place (my opinion). so... i'm curious to know if your health is getting better with this heavy flushing schedule.



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