quote("The reason people have high cholestrol is due to the liver releasing some of this stored cholestrol in the liver into the blood. This is to try and help the body from killing itself due to low fat diet, stress, lifestyle."))quote
I might have to disagree with this statement...I am a 33 yr old woman..who has always made a concerted effort for aerobic exercise and also spent most of my life on a lowfat diet...my cholestrol was the last time i checked 118... that is pretty low...and my cholestrol has always been low .. I dont think animal fats is the question...if you want more fat in your diet...which i am learning now does not make you fat......
i would concentrate more on healthy fats ...like olive oil ...avocados ..olives ....things like that ...really it is terribly hard on your body to digest meat ...no i am not a vegetarian.. but I believe this could be true.. Your body actually digests meat by letting it rot in your digestive system..so i have read...
so with that in mind i would be eating meat maybe once or twice a week. But one thing I will tell you..is the body does make more gallstones ...with rapid weight loss (NOT EATING) and no fat..that is for sure... That is what happened to me and got myself in trouble having my gallbladder removed. Long story but i was too depressed to eat...so i developed gallstones:(( well i learned my lesson didnt i?? and i also believe that you do develop a bunch of gallstones when your fasting ..so good to do the liver flush after the fast for sure