Re: Help
Thanks for posting this Dar
I hadn't read your previous post
I have had somewhat of a similar situation myself
I am kidney limited though
I have put my back out twice upping my dosage
so I have started putting on a lot on my skin
doesn't cause the kidney cramping
but if I stop taking
Iodine I can get kidney cramping is like there is a middle range for me
I have an idea that if you keep tissue saturation high enough the detox is minimized somehow. I wish I understood the mechanism so I could work with it better........
an iodoral doesn't cause the kidney issue like the tincture, I think that is about speed of absorption.....
anyway I always like to hear of others taking higher dosages with improvements in detox, it really throws out the idea of
Iodine poisoning doesn't it?
keep us posted on how you do if you up your dosage more....
for me i