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Re: Which ones actually detox the bromine out of your system?
cougar Views: 6,988
Published: 15 y
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Re: Which ones actually detox the bromine out of your system?

are you doing 5% or 2%?

that is a lot of lugol's
you are either doing 750mg of total I or 300mg

that is a quick ramp up in just one month.

I know from talking with Trapper that those who have used higher doses do better when they keep the elemental I down around what you would get from 50mg of Lugols and then add on SSKI to that. But of course he can speak to that better than I can.

how much C are you taking.

I have read posts by Newport where I think he talks about the C kicking out the bromine from the cell and the Cl kicking it out of the kidneys, but it seems the level of I you take increases the whole detox

Seems to me since thyroid is involved in heart rate that there can be reaction in heart rate from stimulating the thyroid. rapid heart rate is the sign that is used often to lower one's thyroid meds when supplementing with Iodine.

I know I am not providing you the exact answers with confidence that you are wanting and I am realizing as I am writing this that I don't know some of this as clearly as I thought I did.

Also know you are not just stirring up Bromide with taking Iodine. You are kicking up other heavy metals and fluoride and toxic chlorides potentially too.

don't forget about taking breaks and pulsing your dosing too.



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