As Cougar says, 120 drops of Lugol's 2% is 300 mg of iodine/iodide. That's a huge amount for a beginner. You've so overwhelmed your detox pathways that even the emergency measures couldn't help you much. STOP THE IODINE. Take a break, but continue the support supplements. Give your detox pathways a chance to catch up. Given your response, it may take over a week. Be sure you're in balance again before resuming, and consider Lowering Your Dose. Next time, stop the iodine before your distress becomes so great, and you won't take so long to recover. And there will be a next time, and a time after that.
When my husband got nauseated from bromine trying to get out, he derived tremendous benefit from oil-pulling several times a day. Be warned that the oil might get very nasty tasting -- he once almost threw up just from the stench.
Yes, the heart has iodine receptors. Where iodine resides, bromine can bump it out. You're not the first to have erratic heartbeats, but over time they will clear up as the bromine gets out.
Best wishes!
Yep, the bromine stench. I've never had that, but Hubby has it reliably when he's going through a detox episode. We use organic unrefined sesame oil, but I've seen coconut oil mentioned, maybe a nice olive oil, depending on what appeals to your taste buds. I'm sure the Oil Pulling forum would have other ideas if you needed them. We generally aim for 20 min, but I remember Trapper saying it's best to swish until the oil thins, and that's how you know you're done. :)