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Silvergen SG6 review
MrCuddly Views: 16,421
Published: 15 y
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Silvergen SG6 review

Wow - I can't believe my wife actually got me the Silvergen SG6 for Christmas. To her that's the equivalent of spending good money for a deluxe tin foil hat to contact extra-terrestrials on my days off.

But back to the review.. I decided on the SG6 over the SilverPuppy, Utopia unit, and numerous others for the following reasons:

The SilverPuppy had some reports of the brew turning yellow (which it seemed like the Silvergen never did). Also the Silvergen was built exclusively for direct (wall) current, and it looked more like a commercial medical device than the home-made looking SilverPuppy (at least in pictures).

The Utopia unit also seemed good, but having to manually stir the mix every 10 minutes seemed to be asking for a less consistent product (given my memory) and basically more commitment than I cared to take on.

I also like what Silvergen said about dynamically adjusting the voltage as the mix gets more metallic and thus conductive for a more uniform product.

There were a number of others that looked promising based on their promotions but was hard to find anyone talking about. The Silvergen seemed to always be in the conversation with only positive comments even from those that were promoting or purchasing other units.

There's frustratingly little to go on when researching CS machines - so that was about the extent of it.

Unpacking the unit it DID look like some kind of professional lab equipmet/medical device. The supplied silver strips went attached effortlessly to the binding posts (that look like speaker wire binding posts). The stirrer easily screwed in place leaving only a jar and some distilled water to get started.

As it turned out that was a real PITA. I went to Target who told me Mason Jars were seasonal and I should try Giant who has them year round. Giant told me the same thing and to try Walmart. Ditto. After wasting half the day I went home resigned to spending $10 for the jars plus $15 for shipping from Amazon.

Fortunately I found that Ace Hardware had them locally through a google search. They had a big selection and I bought the 32 oz standard mouth jars 12 for $10. Back to the store for distilled water (Safeway doesn't sell it anymore but Giant does). Ooft.

Back home I fill the quart mason jar with distilled water, screw the bottle on the Silver gen and start it up. One feature I like is the Silvergen tests the water quality before it starts. If the water doesn't pass, a light comes on and the stirrer (and motor) stops. I'm not sure if the others also have this feature - but it does add a nice reassurance.

Fortunately no water issues, the stirrer starts up and everything looks hunky-dory. A few hours later the green light shuts off along with the motor and we have our first quart of colloidal/ionic silver.

It was completely clear with a faintly metallic taste. I have nothing to test it with except myself. I actually was feeling sick and achy but postponed buying more CS just in case I got this for Christmas. Maybe it was psycho-somatic but after swishing and swallowing probably 4 ounces twice that day I was feeling surprisingly restored. And two days later - still fine.

I found the mix very similar in taste and efficacy to the Soveriegn Silver I've bought in a pinch several times at healthfood stores. But instead of $25 for 6 ounces, it was made for pennies per quart. Nice!

I've since made 3 other quarts that I've handed out as gifts to neighbors and employees. All at the highest 20 ppm setting and the same crystal clear product. Just handed them out today so no reports yet, but they were enthusiastically received.

Of course I'll need to get testing equipment to write any kind of convincing review. But for now I'm very satisfied. The generator looks solidly made and produces a consistant product with a turn on and walk away simplicity.

If anyone would like to lend some testing equipment I'll put it through it's paces. For now I can taste the presence of the silver and feel the efficacy so I don't feel the need to spend bucks on testing equipment. But at some point I'm sure curiosity will get the better of me.

In the mean time I hope this helps anyone doing their research.



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