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Re: Liver spots or aging spots = parasites?
MENDOMAID Views: 7,571
Published: 15 y
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Re: Liver spots or aging spots = parasites?

Hulda Clark wrote that liver spots were fluke spots. I did some research and found that the immature forms of Fasciolopsis buski produce a brown pigment in snails, the normal intermediate hosts. When humans have immature F. buski (ad other flukes) the larva migrate and seem to produce the brown pigment where they infect the skin. Humans can become infested with a wide variety of flukes and one person may have several different types. This may be why I see slightly different looking liver spots on my skin.

One expert on the Liver Flush Forum (Telman, an electronic engineer) modified a Clark or Rife Zapper then put the output on several liver spots and they completely disappeared. He also though that there was a virus present. When I take parasite herbs the large liver spots on my body become colorless and the pigment returns after stopping the herbs. Years ago I used green Black-Walnut tincture on the back of my left hand for about a month. Now I have fewer liver spots on that hand than on the other hand.


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