Hi color,
I'm a current patient of Dr. Bigelsen. I was never formally diagnosed with Lyme disease, but when he looked at my blood (through a dark field microscope, VERY different from other 'live blood' readings I've had) he said that it appeared that I had lyme. After reading his ideas on where disease comes from and how it is perpetuated in the body, I can see a huge link between my experience prior to seeing him with birth trauma, major dental work as a kid, surgery, etc. and how I feel today. AND, thankfully, through treatment with him and following a diet based on the Weston Price Foundation, I'm finding relief. I can go through the list of symptoms that I used to endure everyday, but they are probably familiar to most lyme patients....I just didn't realize I had lyme symptoms until beginning to research lyme! I've been a patient of Dr. B's for a long time...and I really believe that the way he uses isopathics through neural therapy, cranial sacral treatments, etc. have really helped many lyme patients.