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Re: something about me
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Published: 15 y
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Re: something about me

Hi, I'm glad to hear that it brought some sort of comfort to someone ( it was from the heart and I believe God inspired).I know what you mean and how you feel about the anger part,I've had to catch myself at times of not allowing my anger to get the best of me.I also have asked God for his help in controling it, the impression i believe I've gotten from him is to pray for those that seemingly are your enemies (because it not being them and they not having this issue aren't as compassionnate or kind all because they don't know what's going on nor do they understand )so I pray for them that somehow they would get some sort of understanding (it was hard at first but it's getting a little easier)and in doing this compassion may be the result.and instead of making fun of someone in this situation they may at least show a bit of kindness and not participate in any rude behavior.I've received it from family ,strangers and friends.while I do stay quite a distance from you ,wouldn't mind having another friend(esp one that can relate).


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