If you are having trouble knowing which diet to try,try this one and just see where it gets you. I know with certain diets you are supposed to do them slowly. The thing is you have to go slow. But have you had your bowels checked or anything from a doctor yet? Why don't you also look into seeing a GI doctor to make sure you don't have any gallstones,any type of bowel obstruction or any anal splinter problems,or digestive problems? Constipation may also cause probems too.
All these things do relate to the digestive system and these problems have been known to cause fecal odors. I'm not sure if if fungal infections cause fecal oodrs but you can look into it. But remember don't just dive into the diet wean yourself off and make sure you take the oils to replenish your body like flaxseed oil. Because the antifungals can harm your teeth and liver,especially Oil of oregano.