Yes, I agree that the ICN is supporting some kind of racket. The only alternative medications they support are the ones sold by the ICN store. I think there is only 1 natural medicine they support. The moderator on there, the one that is on there night and day, is very anti-alternative medicine, and she attacks anyone that tries to post about their success with natural medications. I don't even understand why they have an alternative therapies section on their website, because they are so against them. I don't know about you all, but I think Elmiron can't be good if it causes extreme g.i. stress and hair loss. I am doing quite well and I am able to work thanks to natural alternatives. The main thing about natural medications that are so beneficial is that unlike antibiotics which do eliminate bacteria, but cause yeast, which causes an IC flare, the natural treatments are effective against both yeast and bacteria. This is the key to fighting IC; you have to kill both the yeasts and the bacteria! Both cause IC pain.