Hi there, I have IC and I haven't found my answers to it yet how are you doing and have you found relief? Can you share with me? I hate this debilitating disease. I do not go onto ICN anymore, I just don't believe what is said about IC on there. The way i feel is that network is getting donations for their network. What a great racket someone is making money off our pain. If a cure is found instead of covering it all up with exspensive drugs, which I'm on right now, then there is no need for the network and someone doesn't get money in their pocket...and the pharmaceutical companies would not beable to push Elmiron, this is all my opinion though. I hope this gets posted. I truly believe the story from Peggy K and I have printed it out and I am taking it to my open minded amazing OBGYN who wants to give me my life back. I will never give up trying to figure this out.