Re: Can you have too much stevia?
Your Q: Are you looking for the pure extract or one cut so you can spread it, such as over cereal?
We mainly use it in tea and to sweeten our kefir.
Then the pure extract will work.
I appreciate the note about using stevia cut with FOS to bake with- I never thought to bake with it. I usually just sweeten with juices or applesauce, but this would give me more flexibility. Not everything lends itself to the fruit flavors.
Stevia is great for baking in the fact that it is not broken down by heat like aspartame. But sweeteners other than sugars tend to not hold moisture like sugar, so baked goods need something added to hold the moisture such as some apple sauce, apple fiber, FOS, etc.
I tried this one baking some muffins. The muffins tasted great, but again they were somewhat on the dry side due to not adding anything to hold the moisture.
Trader Joe's does have a 100% extract- a one ounce bottle for about $10. They do also have the one with lactose, as well as a box of packets cut with maltodextrin. From what you say I am paying the normal price.
Pretty much unless you get bulk generic. But again there are also different grades. So the quality can vary with the concentration of stevioside. We are thinking about ordering some more of the bulk powder to put up on the website for people wanting a cheaper source. But we will have to package it in larger quantities, probably 6-8 ounces.