I tried the coconut oil because I have candida and chronic extreme constipation. I loved the taste and had no problem eating three tablespoons a day right away. It felt healthy and soothing and actually tasted good to me. My constipation, which had been controlled with Magneisum Oxide, worsened quickly. I KNEW it was the coconut oil. I was at a dead stop. I did some research and took another look at the eat right for your blood type book. Type O - Coconut oil is to be avoided. I started the eat right for your blood type book and stopped the coconut oil. I"m feeling better. I started oil pulling today and I will use the coconut oil for that. I've tried everything under the sun for candida and constipation. I'm doing the arise and shine cleanse for the hundredth time, and also ER4Y blood type, and low carb. Over the years my health has increased from trying all of these things, overall i'm a lot better than i was back then. Just wanted to caution you on coconut oil. R