Deep infection
Tony or Luella,
A month ago I fell on my arm in gravel resulting in a deep gash full of dirt in my outer forearm. It was cleaned and patched up, more or less, at ER. The wound is very slowly healing but has never been painful or sore and I keep it covered with a Tegaderm transparent patch with a pad soaked with CS under it. A few days ago a painful irritation and squishy swelling appeared on my elbow, away from the injury. I started taking a tablespoonful of CS every two - three hours since then but with little change so far, though a swollen lymph gland in my armpit went down a day after starting the CS. Our family doctor put me on ten days of Vancomycin by IV -- that's about the only prescription med I can take due to reactions and it has always worked. In the past, along with Vancomycin I have always used CS and it has noticeably speeded up recovery.
I believe that there must have been a down-deep infection left over from the ER cleaning that finally began to cause this latest problem.
Has anyone reported any more effective way to use CS on deep infections like this? Also, I wonder if use of a nebulizer in addition might be of help just to get more CS into my system, even though my lungs have been totally clear for over a year, thanks to CS by the way!
Would appreciate any comments you might have. Thanks, Bill