Thanks for the feedback. I'll wait a couple of days anyway before I decide. As You say, maybe I just flushed out a lot of toxins and it will pass. However, I do a skin prick test with an apple (to which I am very allergic) to gauge the effects of a liver flush. Usually I get no reaction on the second day of the flush, and I will stay allergy-free from five days to five hours, depending on how long before more stones drop down. This time I did the skin prick test and got a HUGE reaction, the biggest I've ever seen. The swelling was about two inches across, from just a little prick. And this can't be explained by toxins, nor by a stone getting lodged in my intestines. The Epsom Salts flush me out so much any further flushing would be coals to Newcastle. However, I have cleaned my colon since then. The only explanation is my liver is completely blocked with stones again...Heavy sigh. It feels like this has no end. Has anyone gotten out more than 4000 stones?