Here's my problem: I just did a flush this past wedn-thurs, and it left me feeling much worse. I am leaving for the Dominican Republic this Friday and don't want to be this sick on vacation. I'm wondering if it would be safe to--just this once--do a flush this wednesday, after only one week.
Some background: the last flush was my 17th and I just hit 4000 stones*** (no kidding). I had a bit of a breakthrough. Right after taking the OO, I felt this popping and gushing in my liver area, like half-a-dozen champagne bottles had just been uncorked. Then, for the first time in as far back as I can remember, I could take a deep breath. Usually my lungs hit a wall halfway through. I was lightheaded for a few moments I was getting so much oxygen. This is it! I thought. I've finally reached the end of these damn stones.
The next morning, I felt extra crappy: headache, sore throat, lots of aches and pains, etc. But I usually feel better after I've passed all the stones, so I wasn't worried. My first trip to the loo turned out some large, conical stones that looked like they fitted the inside of a duct: the corks. The champagne, on the other hand, was lots of murky dark yellow liquid. I believe it must be old bile trapped inside the liver behind the stones. I guess my liver was so rigid with congestion it was impeding my lungs.
However, as the day went on, I did not feel any better. In fact, the next day, and today, I feel worse. I know from experience that this means more stones have quickly and completely blocked up my liver again. At the beginning I would feel better and not have any allergies etc. for about five days after a flush. Over time, that dwindled down to about five hours last time, and maybe five minutes this time. My only explanation is that as more stones come out, they're less jam-packed in my liver, making it easier for more stones to descend--and to block up the liver again all the sooner. Right now, paradoxically, it feels more blocked up than ever. My headaches, muscle pain, allergies, etc. are all worse. This would really ruin a much-needed vacation.
(***Some of you may think that because I have 4000 stones I must live an unhealthy lifestyle. Nothing could be further from the truth. The problem is I have had hypoadrenalism since I was a child. The liver produces cholesterol for the adrenals to convert into pregnenolone, the master endocrine hormone. If you don't have enough pregnenolone, your liver responds by producing more cholesterol. If this cholesterol doesn't get converted into pregnenolone because your adrenals are deficient, it hangs around in your liver and becomes stones that make the problem worse.)
So what do you think? should I risk a one-time one-week liver flush?