15 y
Re: I mean, I want to believe him--but candida is a little more complex..
On the one hand, (con): In the several videos of his that I've watched, he never mentioned that it's candida converting into its fungal form that is the problem. Seems strange that a guy being presented as knowledgeable could talk at length on the subject w/out ever getting around to that central, explanatory fact.
On the other hand, (pro): I think he may be right about the combo of
Sugar and fat. The worst offender for me, in terms of causing a flare-up, was ice cream, which has both a high
Sugar and high fat content. Part of that is dairy. But just the other day I drank some coconut-based kefir and was surprised to find myself itching. It seems like the threshold is lower when you combine the
Sugar w/ fat. I can eat more of something that is predominantly sugar than I can something that combines the two.
But overall, I have to say he doesn't really inspire/engender confidence in me. (bad grammar--you know what I mean)